Shoulders and Standup

Where is the tap that I was promised?The shoulder joint is a funny thing – so mobile and so confusing to get a submission out of.  The key, in my mind, is to have a few options that can branch off of each other.

The key lock from side control is a great example.  People often don’t want to let you get the lock (bad attitudes, I assume) and they squirm around and make your life difficult.  So, rather than cling desperately to the move, it’s often productive to switch to the reverse key lock… or the arm bar… or the arm triangle… or that crazy spinal crank you can get if you get their arm behind their head… you get the idea.  Having options means you can adapt to your partner’s resistance and find one (of the many) submissions you know.

Also, still conducting the “starting from standup” experiment.  Week 2, no injuries and fun was had by all.

Finally, I had a site called “thumbtack” recommended to me by a Sifu Patty.  It’s a site that compiles lists of businesses and people go there when they are looking for services… like Kung Fu schools, for instance.  Go check out our new listing and write a review.  If we get 1 new student out of it, it was worth the time.  (Though it’d be sweet to get 10, right?)

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