Head and Arm

Today for grappling class we drilled the head and arm position.  We went over two submissions and four reversals.  Not fair, right?  Only two ways for the top player to win and four ways for the bottom player to get out.

Except being on the bottom in head and arm is a nightmare.  Like all nightmares that we encounter in martial arts, the first (and most important) step we can take is to relax.  If we freak out, there’s little hope that any technique or strategy is going to get us out of the mess.  (Yes, strength and/or willpower might save the day.)

The two submissions are a lovely pair of closely related arm locks.  One is the arm bar – the other is the key lock.  What makes them such a great pair is that if the arm bar fails, it usually slips right into the key lock AND while the arm bar is often difficult to close, the key lock is almost guaranteed doom for the bottom player.  If you’ve ever played the switcheroo game of trying to close the key lock, arm bar or reverse key lock from cross body you know just how annoying it can be.  With the head and arm, there is much less struggle.

The four reversals we worked provide a wide array of angles and means to try to escape.  Why so many different ways?  Because it’s a nightmare in there… but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and get out.

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