The Perilous Sprint

The whiteboard is often deceptive: a few numbers, a few words and a scaling chart. The words fail to convey the full difficulty of the described task. So when the clock starts, athletes engage in their normal pacing and strategies.

Most of the time, everything turns out okay. The difficulty of the actual task becomes obvious. Realizations are made and adjustments follow. Maybe the weight gets lowered, the movements adjusted or the paced slowed. Sometimes, though, there isn’t enough time to adjust. The workout is so short that everything happens so suddenly – and then it’s too late to write anything but “DNF” on the board.

Hopefully, if this occasion arises for you, it prompts provides an opportunity for learning and not a moment of despair – as in “ah, this is what I forgot to adjust” instead of “that was terrible”.

A Sneeded

3 Rounds

50 Back Extensions

Row 500

50 Double Unders

Check the whiteboard for times.

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