Making the Hard Things Look Easy

Today at Lewis Kung Fu club, the conditioning was holding a push up position for 3 minutes.  What to do while this is going on?  Smile.  Why make it any harder than it already is?  Will complaining, moaning and introverting help students hold the push up position any longer?  I suspect no.  Will smiling, laughing and looking around at how others are doing help students hold the push up position longer?  I suspect so.
Time flies when you’re having fun.  Time crawls when you’re miserable.  Why wouldn’t you want to make time fly while holding a push up position?  Make the hard things look easy by smiling and soon enough the hard things will be easier.
Students who have been in Kung Fu club for a while get this.  It’s part of the culture.  Not only do students work hard – they expect to work hard – it’s simply what we do.  Might as well enjoy it.  For those who think this is “fake” to “force” a smile I say: try it and see if it helps (and you have to try it more than once… like everything, it takes practice).
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