Grappling and Endurance

I had a student ask me not too long ago what doing grappling for a whole hour is like.  After thinking about it for a while, I’ve finally got a one word answer: tiring.
The solution to this (perhaps troubling) answer?  Relax.  Keep moving.  Ask questions.  Keep coming to grappling class.  Like all Kung Fu endeavors, continued practice and patience yields results.
Then one day (I can’t give you an exact time line here) you’ll be surprised to find that you aren’t nearly as tired as you used to be after class.  Typically, there are a few reasons for this.  One, grappling has become a known quantity.  You’re comfortable mentally.  Two, the moves are familiar and your body is able to execute them.  You’re comfortable physically.  Three, you’ve won and lost enough so you’re no longer worried about the results of your current match.  You just move and see what happens.
Be patient.  Relax.  Train hard and train smart.  Building skill takes time.  It won’t be easy but it will happen.
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