Rockbags and Answers

As one of the students pointed out to me during kid’s class today, we can’t really call it a sandbag if it’s full of rocks.  Well, we could, but that wouldn’t be very accurate, now would it?  So we’ll call it a rockbag instead.

Technically I’m not even sure it’s a bag.  One of the CrossFit students made them out of an old pair of jeans, trash bags, rocks and duck tape.  There’s a bag in there but what you can see is the jeans legs tootsie rolled with some duck tape on the end.  Does that qualify as a bag?

Whatever the case, conditioning was 3 minutes of partner rockbag runs today.  One student runs the bag up and down the floor while the other waits anxiously for their turn to do the same.

Before playing with the “bags”, we worked offensive and defensive set ups.  They aren’t part of the kid’s basics but they fit well into this week’s theme of set ups.  (They’re called set ups!)  Both are answers to the question: “How do I score in sparring?”  Offensive set ups provide the answer: “Go forward and overwhelm your partner.”  Defensive set ups provide the answer: “Lure your partner into coming towards you and then exploit the opening that their charge creates.”  Both good answers.

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