Ever taken one of those IQ tests where you have to spin Tetris pieces in 3D? If not, do the leg work and find one on the web.
Alright. Now that you’ve all done that, we can talk about how that kind of ability can transfer to grappling. If you learn to do an arm bar from standing, can you figure out how to apply one from the mount position? How about guard position? Cross body? Head and arm?
Fundamentally, the technique of the arm bar is the same from all these positions: immobilize the shoulder and hyper extend the elbow. Once you’ve got that concept, it should be possible to find the technique from many different angles – just as one you have the shape of the Tetris piece in your head, you should be able to turn it in any direction you like.
Want to be a better grappler? Play more Tetris… and also practice finding submissions from multiple positions.