Today marked CrossFit Portland’s 5-year anniversary, and I wanted to send Wally off to their Potluck BBQ armed with something that would be Paleo/Vegan friendly, delicious, and easy to make (since I had been attacked by a horrible, debilitating cold). Earlier in the week I had enjoyed an apple wedge & pecan butter sample at People’s Co-Op, that darn-near blew my socks off! I ran to the shelf to buy the spread, but at $10.00 a jar decided instead to purchase some raw cashews from the bulk bins, and make my own Paleo friendly, Vegan Approved Cashew Butter! Don’t worry, I washed up beforehand like I was prepping for surgery.
It does NOT get any easier than this…
Toss a few cups of raw cashews, almonds, pecans, [whatever preferred combination] in blender.
Add Olive Oil.
Add salt and cracked pepper to your liking.
Spread onto apple wedges & enjoy:)
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