Deadlift Ladder

There’s our new medicine ball, stewing in some bleach water.  Everyone who was there today knows why… everyone else can guess.
The workout today was a descending ladder of dead lifts with wall balls and pull ups staying steady in between.
It went like this:
10 deadlifts, 10 wall balls, 10 pull ups.
9 deadlifts, 10 wall balls, 10 pull ups.
8 deadlifts, 10 wall balls, 10 pull ups
the pattern continued, down to
1 deadlift, 10 wall balls, 10 pull ups.
As mentioned before, the wall balls and pull ups stayed steady as the deadlifts came down.  The net effect?  The pull ups and wall balls got closer together… thus harder.
Leslie : 11.10
Wally: 11.28
Chris: 13.43
Rob: 14.56
Seth: 15.52
Molly: 16.48
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