They Keep Coming

In an effort to expand both ends of the age spectrum, both down and up, we’re going to run a seminar at the Academy this coming February – for adults. We figured with the success of our kid’s camps, we could steal the format and see if we can rope in, well – adults who are at that dabbling stage but aren’t ready to sign up for a martial arts program and also those folks who already train but want an opportunity to see what else is out there.

For our first try at things (yes, I’m sure we’ll do it again, once is never enough) we decided to pull from the group of teachers closest to us – the ones who sublet at the Academy. Our guest teachers will be:

Nate from CapoeriaPDX
Kathy from Yoga For You
Anton from CrossfitPDX

I know I often forget just how much stuff goes on at our cozy little dojo and the seminar seems like a great opportunity to show off what not only the Kung Fu program, but WE as a community have to offer.

We’ve set the date for February 28th, Saturday from 2-5 PM. Cost is $15 until February 1st or $20 after.

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