SW Portland Martial Arts Blog

To Gi or not to Gi

September 7th, 2016

It’s a basic question.  Should you wear the pajamas when you wrestle or should you not?

Depends on your goals.  If you’re interested in self defense, you should do both.  Most of the time, attackers will be wearing clothes that you can grab on to and use for leverage.  The Gi simulates this.  Sometimes, attackers might be shirtless or wearing tight fitting clothes.  No Gi will simulate this.  Do both and you’ve covered a fairly decent range of situations.

If you want to fight MMA professionally, you should probably only do No Gi.  If you want to compete in Gi tournaments only, I guess it makes sense to only train Gi.  For most of us with more general goals, though, it makes sense to enjoy the variety.

Justin’s Wednesday night class is No Gi every 1st Wednesday of the month!  Come and play.

One Spot Left!

August 12th, 2016

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY - APRIL 25: Lasha Shavdatuashvili of Georgia (blue) avoideds an attack by Kamal Khan-Magomedov of Russia and going on to win the u66kgs final at the Budapest European Championships held at the Papp Laszlo Sports Hall, on April 25, 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. The event takes place from the 25-28. (David Finch/Getty Images)

There is only one spot left in our upcoming Judo seminar!  9 one hour classes taught by the awesome people from Portland Judo.

Click on the events tab and get it while it’s hot!

The Next 10 Weeks

July 30th, 2016

In the past, we’ve worked 2 month blocks in CrossFit.  This has meant focusing on one lift and one gymnastic movement and seeing if we can improve on both in 8 weeks.  The measuring has been simple: do a 1rm for the lift and as many consecutive reps as possible for the gymnastic movement then at the end of the 8 weeks, retest.

This time, we will change things slightly.

First off, the block will be 10 weeks long.  This will allow us to do 8 weeks of work while still having a whole week at the beginning and end to insure everyone gets a chance to test.

Second, I will write up a weekly task on Monday.  If you’re there on Monday, do it then.  If you’re not, do it whenever you come in that week.  If you miss a week, don’t double up.  I’ll try and ask everyone if they’ve done the weekly task but I’m sure I’ll need some help with that.

Third, there will be some higher rep sets than people might be used to.  Don’t sweat it.  It’s an experiment.  If our numbers get better, it worked.  If they don’t, then we’ll try something else.  I call it science.

The moves for the next 10 weeks?  Deadlift and handstand.  Let’s do it!


Position before… Striking

July 18th, 2016

There is a position that is so bad that if you are put there, no matter how good your striking skills are, you should abandon them and focus on escaping using your grappling skills.  That awful position can vary from person to person.  For me, if I am caught in the rear mount, it is a good time to forget about trying to hit and time to switch on the grappling escape mode.

The more skill you have, the better you will know when to hit and when to escape.  The more you know your “bad positions” the better you will be at avoiding them and not panicking and flailing when you get stuck in them.

Hit.  Grapple.  Mix them together.

You be Me

July 9th, 2016

There is a confusing cliche that gets dropped at martial arts schools on a daily basis: “get rid of your ego”.  Aren’t you supposed to win?  Aren’t there points and submissions and trophies out there that require an ego?

The trouble, I think, comes in acknowledging the value of competition while also acknowledging the value of community (your training partners).  How do you compete and still be kind, respectful and friendly with your fellow martial artists?  Rather than checking your ego at the door, think of your training as a way not just to make you better but also to make everyone you train with better.

To this end, talk to your partners about how they beat you and how you beat them.  Suggest ways in which they might shut down your game.  All these efforts will result in both your evolution and theirs.  Acknowledge the pursuit of improvement in both yourself and others.  It is a group endeavor.

On Tuesday, we followed this basic idea by picking apart one student’s sparring game and trying to come up with ways to shut it down.  It made him adapt.  It made us adapt.  Good for individual egos and the group.