Category Archives: Lewis Elementary
The Tortoise And The Bear Walk
At 5’3″ and 115lbs, I tend to move faster than many of my training partners (most of whom are formidable muscle men, and some of whom are twice my weight). Similarly, when motivated to do so, small children MOVE FAST! … Continue reading
The Tortoise And The Bear Walk
At 5’3″ and 115lbs, I tend to move faster than many of my training partners (most of whom are formidable muscle men, and some of whom are twice my weight). Similarly, when motivated to do so, small children MOVE FAST! … Continue reading
The Tortoise And The Bear Walk
At 5’3″ and 115lbs, I tend to move faster than many of my training partners (most of whom are formidable muscle men, and some of whom are twice my weight). Similarly, when motivated to do so, small children MOVE FAST! … Continue reading
Art Fu
We often try to integrate other disciplines into our movement curriculum, and with Lewis Elementary’s annual school-wide “Art Night” fast approaching, we looked to challenge students to engage in a right brained, quick-sketch figure drawing lesson that comes straight out … Continue reading
Art Fu
We often try to integrate other disciplines into our movement curriculum, and with Lewis Elementary’s annual school-wide “Art Night” fast approaching, we looked to challenge students to engage in a right brained, quick-sketch figure drawing lesson that comes straight out … Continue reading