Author Archives: Wally

Get Under It

Deep in the desert, behind the veil of sand storms, you will find the mystical “third” way of pressing… the push jerk.  The “first” way to press is to simply shove the weight up with your arms – it is … Continue reading

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Solid & Mobile

The eternal question: better to be strong or fast?  The better question: how’s your skill level?  I’m being a bit coy but the idea is that while strength and speed are great characteristics, if you can’t apply them to the … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | 1 Comment

Get Under It

Deep in the desert, behind the veil of sand storms, you will find the mystical “third” way of pressing… the push jerk.  The “first” way to press is to simply shove the weight up with your arms – it is … Continue reading

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Theme of the Week: Evasion

Dodging punches sounds like a great idea and in practice, it is.  Getting hit is a bummer, blocking is difficult and even with a solid frame, hard punches still hurt. Dodging in isolation, however, is a bad idea.  Duck one … Continue reading

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Shake your Bodyweight

Like it when the workouts have what you’re good at?  Like it when the workouts poke you in that area you’re no good at?  Whatever the case, it was interesting to see everyone deal with the last two days workouts … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 6 Comments