Author Archives: Wally

Get Out

target=”_blank”>this Fight Quest video on Kajukenbo.

Posted in Kung Fu | 2 Comments

Margins, Get out of my Way

Remember when you figured out that when the whiteboard says “chest to overhead anyhow” you could push jerk every single rep and it was like 7 times easier than shoulder pressing it?  Yeah.  That was awesome. Sadly, today was a … Continue reading

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Proper posture matters as in martial arts.  If you over commit to a punch and it throws your posture out of whack, a good partner will help you along your way to the ground by throwing you.  If you over … Continue reading

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Today’s workout was remarkably similar to one we did last week.  The only change was from squats (last week) to sit ups (this week).  I’m curious to hear from folks who did both which one was easier… and why.  I’m … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 2 Comments


Not too long ago, I recall reading an article about how humans actually can’t multi-task.  That is to say, we can only really do one thing at once effectively.  If we appear to be doing two or more things, we’re … Continue reading

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