Author Archives: Wally

Game of Elbows

Elbows down and in.  What’s that mean?  It means protect your torso with your arms.  It means set yourself up with a good defensive posture so that you expend less energy blocking or parrying incoming strikes.  It means keep your … Continue reading

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Fear Fitness

When all other variables are held constant and your workout time decreases, you have become “more fit”.  That’s one of the core ideas behind doing benchmark workouts and recording your time… so that when that workout comes up again, supposing … Continue reading

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Press, Press, Press

This week we’ll be looking at the press family during our skill time.  That means making sure you’ve got a straight bar path – making sure you’re racking the bar nice and high up on the chest – making sure … Continue reading

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Theme of the Week: The Game

So, you’ve learned a new technique?  Now what do you do with it?  Put it in mental storage?  Hopefully not – hopefully you test it against a resisting opponent, someone who is doing their best to stop you from accomplishing … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | 1 Comment

Real Life?

Pacing is tough equation for CrossFit workouts.  The party line is that we’re doing “intense” work – which means going until you fall over, right?  So why is it that in some workouts, you’ll actually get a better score if … Continue reading

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