Author Archives: Wally


In thinking about the theme of the week, “Go to the Void”, I’ll let verse 13 of the Tao De Ching do the legwork today: Both praise and blame cause concern,For they bring people hope and fear.The object of hope … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | Comments Off on Cryptic?

Strength, Slogs and Sprints

There are the ten physical skills… but it’s so hard to remember them all.  Let’s simplify and try and describe all WODs as either strength based, a slog or a sprint. A strength based WOD is easy to spot.  Low … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 4 Comments


In thinking about the theme of the week, “Go to the Void”, I’ll let verse 13 of the Tao De Ching do the legwork today: Both praise and blame cause concern,For they bring people hope and fear.The object of hope … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | Comments Off on Cryptic?

Strength, Slogs and Sprints

There are the ten physical skills… but it’s so hard to remember them all.  Let’s simplify and try and describe all WODs as either strength based, a slog or a sprint. A strength based WOD is easy to spot.  Low … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 4 Comments

Stamina versus Endurance

Got a good question tonight: what’s the difference between stamina and endurance?  In everyday speech, probably not much – they’re largely interchangeable.  In CrossFit (and probably the larger fitness community, though I honestly have no clue) stamina refers to the … Continue reading

Posted in CrossFit | 2 Comments