Author Archives: Wally


The focus pads and the heavy bags are some of the most valuable tools we train with as strikers.  There are many ideas we can toss around (and in fact, we’ll do that here in just a moment) but in … Continue reading

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Safe Backs

Imagine a world free of back injury.  Go ahead, I’ll give you a moment.  Now, take a step further and imagine a world free of back pain.  Yes.  Take a few moments this time and savor that imaginary place. Continuing … Continue reading

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The focus pads and the heavy bags are some of the most valuable tools we train with as strikers.  There are many ideas we can toss around (and in fact, we’ll do that here in just a moment) but in … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | Comments Off on Bodyweight

Theoretical Throwing

Suppose you want to throw your partner.  Whatever throw you’re doing, you will have to make contact.  In fact, you’ll probably have to make very close contact with them.  If you vastly outweigh your partner, you might be able to … Continue reading

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Lift More

Until the day when we can stick a usb cable into our brains and download new physical skills, we’re stuck with having to learn by doing.  Looking for a better double under?  You’ll find it doing double unders.  Looking for … Continue reading

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