Author Archives: Wally

On Learning from "That Guy or Girl"

Yes, “that guy” or “that girl”.  The guy/girl who is so hard to partner up with because they: hit too hard are super stiff flit about like a leaf in the wind talk too much don’t talk at all don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | 2 Comments

Good Times?

So assuming Fran is the bench press of the CrossFit world, what is a good Fran time?  What should you be striving for? In my opinion, you should be striving for a time that is better than your last time.  … Continue reading

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On Learning from "That Guy or Girl"

Yes, “that guy” or “that girl”.  The guy/girl who is so hard to partner up with because they: hit too hard are super stiff flit about like a leaf in the wind talk too much don’t talk at all don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Kung Fu | 2 Comments

Good Times?

So assuming Fran is the bench press of the CrossFit world, what is a good Fran time?  What should you be striving for? In my opinion, you should be striving for a time that is better than your last time.  … Continue reading

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Safe Backs

Imagine a world free of back injury.  Go ahead, I’ll give you a moment.  Now, take a step further and imagine a world free of back pain.  Yes.  Take a few moments this time and savor that imaginary place. Continuing … Continue reading

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