Author Archives: Lara
Easter Weekend Superpost
Just wanted to shoot out a quick ‘thank you’ to everyone who stopped by over Easter Weekend. Fun fact: you actually burn double calories and a half on public holidays. It’s true. Look it up. This will also serve as … Continue reading
Mutant Isabel
So, hi – this is actually Patrick. Not Wally. I write up little posts for the Friday evening classes. Except not last week. I meant to, but when the workout was over I went home and did something else for … Continue reading
All the plates are on the floor…
I would get in trouble if I put all the plates on the ground at my house. Different kind of plates, I guess. Whatever. It’s fun to do something different. But I digress… We did the Crossfit Total tonight (thus, … Continue reading
Box Squats
Certainties in life: Death and taxes. Also, if an exercise has the word “Russian” in it, it’s probably going to be hard. We played with the box squat this week. Take a standard back squat, sit down on a bench, … Continue reading
Bar Economy
Ever wonder if it would be feasible to use every barbell in the gym at one time? Well, it totally is. It does set an implied restriction on how far you can dump your bar in front of you after … Continue reading