Author Archives: Wally
Open Up
This week we’ll make our best effort to get full hip extension. The good news is that judging from the video, I’ve got a lot of work to do. The bad news is that I’ve waited this long to get … Continue reading
Theme of the Week: Defensive Choices
The fighting principle of defensive choices asks the question: what should you do defensively to insure the best chances of making it home safely? It is, like all fighting principles, meant to have a broad application. If we examine it … Continue reading
Fear is a good thing most of the time. It is your brain’s quick way of letting you know that whatever it is that is going on is probably dangerous. When doing Crossfit, it is good to acknowledge and listen … Continue reading
Chopping Down the Tree
What are your five favorite strikes to the legs? How would you take out someone’s base? Today in class we looked at several different tools for chopping down the tree – striking to the legs so that our assailant is … Continue reading
Double Double
The trouble with the double is the bubble can befuddle. As in if all you have is a jump rope single that double under seems worlds away… unreachable worlds… imaginary worlds… parallel worlds where yellow suns make you 10 times … Continue reading