Author Archives: Wally
Shortest Distance
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line but when you are planning a road over hilly terrain, is making a straight line worth it? Do you really want to dig a tunnel, level a mountain or build … Continue reading
Find Your Maxes
Before the start of next month, find your 1 rep maxes for the following lifts: Shoulder press Deadlift Back squat Bench press* We’ll be doing a strength progression for the next few months based on these numbers and it will … Continue reading
Magic Comparison
We’re getting close to wrapping up the June challenge of talking about the fighting principles in non martial ways. Here’s my attempt to relate the fighting principle of Independent motion to doing a card trick. … The bigger a motion … Continue reading
Two things that I’ll be talking about too much in class so I thought I’d over type them here on the blog, too. First, we’ll be doing a strength progression for the next 3 months called the 5,3,1 progression. If … Continue reading
Reverse Clean
The bar muscle up is a backwards clean and jerk. Picture the high hang clean. All you’ve got is that hit with the hips and then you’ve got to pull yourself under the bar. How do you do it? You … Continue reading