Author Archives: Wally
$1000 T-shirt
Amongst haters, the Crossfit level one cert is known as the $1000 t-shirt class. You take a two day seminar, you pay $1000 and you’re allowed to open a CrossFit affiliate. Amongst honest CrossFitters, there is an understanding that a … Continue reading
Juggles to your Armbars
Learning the armbar is hard. Executing an armbar on an actively resisting opponent is even harder. Learning the sequence behind juggling three balls is hard. Actually juggling three balls is even harder. Today we tried all four of these things. … Continue reading
Theme of the Week: Timing
Timing, like many things, is most easily explained by looking at what happens when things go wrong. Bad timing may mean you are late. If you are late, you speed up, get flustered, run through a red light and get … Continue reading
Hearing Voices
There may be a limited number of CrossFit movements but there is a nearly limitless way of putting them together. If you figure in rep schemes, weights and time limits as well as the actual movements, the permutations are mind … Continue reading
Why do we have to start beginners off with light weights? Because bad habits stick. Some people are patient and some people aren’t. That’s fine. The world needs variety. We need a variety of students. It helps keep things interesting. … Continue reading