Author Archives: Wally
Footwork Shifting
Watch the video. Watch it again and look at the weight shift back and forth from the ball of the foot to the heel. From the floor, the weight is forward on the balls of the feet. At the hang … Continue reading
Theme of the Week: Pressure
This week we will look at how to apply and how to deal with pressure in a martial context. First, we’ll have to understand what pressure is. Broadly speaking, it is when your partner is actively trying to get you. … Continue reading
Uploading New Info
So I spent my weekend at an Outlaw CrossFit seminar. It was fabulous (just follow this link – I got to see someone snatch 275#) Over the next month or so, you’ll probably hear and see me teaching things differently … Continue reading
Why That?
It has been too long since we’ve had a monthly Kung fu challenge. Thus, let us return to this fine tradition with what I think will be a worthy task. It goes like this: Step 1: read the requirement list. … Continue reading
All Things are Possible
It has been a while since we’ve done a monthly challenge. The last three months have been all about the 5-3-1 work. Hope you’re all stronger. This month, I challenge you all to hold the bottom of a squat (rock … Continue reading