So, hi – this is actually Patrick. Not Wally. I write up little posts for the Friday evening classes. Except not last week. I meant to, but when the workout was over I went home and did something else for about 168 hours. The point is; Wally writes TWO posts pretty much every single day. Work ethic, folks. So give Wally a high five (or an appreciative kung-fu strike) next time you see him.
Anyway – two ideas behind this WOD: The first is that it’s broken into three parts – each with different pacing. The first is slow, technique building work, the second is a short all-out sprint, and the third is just a slog (technical term). The second idea is that I want to specifically tune up for some of the harder benchmark WODs. Isabel being one of them (30x snatch at 135).
Windows Vista
Find: 1RM Push Jerk
15 min time limit
rest 5 minutes
8 min AMRAP
8x Push Jerk (155/105)
8x Roll-outs (these)
8x Strict Pull-ups
rest 5 minutes
For time:
30x Snatch (115/83)
Whiteboard here.