The Why

We’ll be working striking all this week in CrossFit as our skill work.  Don’t be confused or concerned.  The Kung Fu classes aren’t taking over the CrossFit classes.  Think of it more as exploration and exposition.
Exploration as in athletes get a chance to try a skill set that might be completely new to them.  Exposition as in I’m showing the CrossFitters why I do CrossFit – to get better at Kung Fu.  CrossFit, as you may be able to tell from the name, is a cross training method.  This means it’s supposed to develop general athleticism and thus help folks out with their “focus” sport.
For some, that focus sport is being in shape.  For others, that focus sport is CrossFit – they do CrossFit to get better at CrossFit.  Whatever the case, I hope the skill work this week gives people some food for thought as to the whys of CrossFit.  Why do you CrossFit?
Over Crab, Over Bear
3 Rounds for time
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
2 laps bear walk
Check the whiteboard for times.
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