On Learning from "That Guy or Girl"

Yes, “that guy” or “that girl”.  The guy/girl who is so hard to partner up with because they:
  • hit too hard
  • are super stiff
  • flit about like a leaf in the wind
  • talk too much
  • don’t talk at all
  • don’t get the drill
  • go too fast
  • go too slow
  • get mad
  • are completely stoic
  • don’t aim for actual targets
  • throw pillows instead of punches
  • laugh too much
  • are too serious
So what do you do when you partner up with someone who rubs you the wrong way?  Well, the obvious answer is to begin to get wrapped up in how they are doing the drill wrong and continue to dwell on that fact throughout your interaction with them.
Tonight in class we experimented with a more inquisitive approach – as in “what can you learn from how your partner is doing the drill?”  In the case of someone who is super stiff, does it serve them in any way?  If so, how could you incorporate that into how you do the drill?  In the case of someone who does the drill incorrectly – say they throw a left instead of a right punch, are you able to react in a martial way to that punch?  Does your reaction teach you anything about your level of general preparedness?  Finding opportunities to learn – we love that – regardless if they are accidental, incidental, purposeful or from “that” guy/girl”.
Three final thoughts.  One, don’t let this experiment get people injured.  Know when to tell people that they are acting in a manner that is courting injury for one or both of you.  Two, we are all “that guy/girl” to someone at some point in time.  Being a good partner in martial arts is a tough job that requires tons of sensitivity and experience.  Be patient and thoughtful with everyone you salute in with and expect the same from them.  Three, sometimes we can learn the most from those who push our buttons.  Sometimes.
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