
Today’s workout was remarkably similar to one we did last week.  The only change was from squats (last week) to sit ups (this week).  I’m curious to hear from folks who did both which one was easier… and why.  I’m wondering if a familiarity with the structure made the second time around easier – or scarier.
On a parallel note, it was interesting to hear from people that the second set of sit ups was easier because they had already warmed up those muscles and/or they understood better how to pace them.
Maybe the warmups should just be dumbed down versions of the WOD.  We’ll have to try it sometime.

100 Sit Ups
3 Rounds
25 KB swings (24/16kg)
35 Double Unders
then 100 more sit ups

Check the whiteboard, then go register for the leaderboard.

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