
There’s always some debate at our gym… exactly how long can one wait between reps in a 3RM.  Can you pause to take a few breaths?  Can you let go of the bar?  Can you walk away?  What’s the standard?
I suppose the ultimate answer is that when you pick the standard, that is the standard.  Whatever the case, today we did our strength workout with the following standard: you got two minutes to do your reps – weather it was 1,3,5 or 7.  Does that make it a “true” 3RM if you rested 30 seconds between reps?  Probably not – but it was the standard of the day.
Watch the film and give some form feedback.

Summer Cleaning
7,5,3,1 Cleans
Take 2 minutes to get your reps done.  Rest as needed between sets.

Check the whiteboard for results.

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