These Shortened Times

Remember when AMRAPs were always 20 minutes?  Maybe that was just me who thought that way.  I always thought they were these long Cindy-like affairs meant to give CrossFitters a brief glance into the fiery pits of endurance doom.  I’ve learned!
7 minutes, 10 minutes, 12 minutes… 30 minutes.  We can do it all.  Why not?  Seven minutes becomes a sprint.  Thirty minutes becomes a slog.  We adapt.  We thrive.
Now someone go build us a 5 minute AMRAP and a 45 minute AMRAP.  Boom.
Kips Ahoy
10 minute AMRAP
12 Sumo DLHP (75/55)
5 Handstand Push Ups (Kips allowed)
Check the whiteboard for scores.
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