Two Step plus Structure

No, not the Texas two step. That’s for a different class.

In this two step, you take turns with your partner pushing and receiving. When you push you go straight forward. When you receive you angle off at 90 degrees. The notion is that with your partner’s hand on your arm, you’ll feel it when they start pushing and get out of the way before they get to your center and push you over.

Normally when we do this drill, it’s okay when receiving to let your “bumper” arm fold a bit. The “bumper” arm is the one you’ve got extended – the one your partner is pushing on. And for the first part of the drill we did just that – let the bumper crumple. But for the second part, we kept our bumper out with the idea that not only were we going to step out of the way but we weren’t going to let our partner take any of our precious space.

This class is a filtering of what my teacher has been having us do in evening classes this week, which in turn is a filtering of what we worked on at camp. So the art moves and changes.

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