Today’s devious conditioning game (Wally’s creation) was titled “The Shrimp Cocktail.” In Mo Duk Pai Kung Fu shrimping exists as a grappling (JuJitsu) “ground” technique. It involves quickly rolling/popping over onto one hip, (this “bent” semi-fetal position makes one look like a human shrimp) pushing with feet onto opposite hip to shift sides and cover distance.
Shrimping can be incredibly useful with sneaking out from underneath of your opponent should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being underneath your opponent!
The game itself required Noon Workout participants to throw a medicine ball from a distance to knock over a collection of targets (focus pads propped against the half-wall) flat to the ground. For every pad they knocked over, each player earned one point. In-between each “play” students executed one shrimping lap, which spanned the width of the training floor.