Halfway Inbetween Day

Heavy days (when all we do is a few reps at as heavy a weight as possible) have a particular feel to them at our place.  Teams of two or three athletes cluster around the bar, offer form pointers to one another and cheer one another on.  Time goes by rather quickly.
This is as opposed to metcon days (where we do higher reps and multiple movements for time) where everyone scurries around, grunting and sweating as they try and get their work done as quickly as possible.
Today was a bit of both.  The workout was to do a heavy lift and then jump right into a metcon.  The most interesting part to watch was when some athletes were still doing the heavy lift while others were sprinting through the metcon.  Cool contrast.  We’ll have to run this experiment again… maybe even in reverse, with the metcon up front and the heavy lift at the end.

When the Bar Hits the Ground
3 RM Overhead Squat, followed immediately by
50 Double unders, 25 KB swings (24/16kg)
40 Double unders, 20 KB swings
30 Double unders, 15 KB swings
20 Double unders, 10 KB swings
10 Double unders, 5 KB swings
Score = weight, time.

Check the whiteboard for scores (and for evil uncle rhabdo’s cashout)

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