The Whiteboard

You know the drill – after each workout, we write our names, weights and times up on the board… but do you know why?  What follows are the first 5 reasons I can think of.
Accountability.  Yes.  Take credit for your successes and failures.  Couldn’t finish the workout?  Write that DNF up there.  Crushed it like an empty Styrofoam cup?  Write that time up there.  Take credit.
Attendance.  Yes.  Boring, I know – but important.
Competition.  If you like, yes.  For some it drives them to work harder.  For others it irritates them.  For still others, it drives them to injury.  Make sure you know who you are and you respond to other people’s numbers appropriately.
Goal Setting.  Yes.  If the hardest part of working out is getting in the door, the next hardest part is sticking with it.  Creating goals helps.  Know your 3RMs.  Know your benchmark times.  Use the digital benchmark system to help you remember numbers and set goals.  It will help keep you coming through the door.
Community. Yes.  You have chosen to work out at a gym full of other people.  Put your name on the board.  You participated.  You’re helping.  We’re all helping one another.  It’s way easier to keep coming through the door when you know there will be friends there working hard along side you (or in the 6AM class).

3 Rounds for Time
Run 400m
21 KB swings (24/16)
12 Pull Ups

After all that talk about whiteboards… don’t you want to check the whiteboard?

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