Laws of Evasion

Let’s get cute with Newton’s first law.
Law I: Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed.
Let’s adapt this law, shall we? Every martial artist should persist in moving erratically – up, down, forward, backward and sideways except insofar as they are compelled to change this state by force incoming.
Now that we’re done being cute, the point is that when you’re trying to be evasive, it’s best to be evasive before the strike even arrives.  It’s usually (occasionally you actually move directly into a strike) easier to evade if you’re already in motion.
Ways to do this include the classic boxer’s weaving motion, keeping the footwork active and changing the placement of your hands.  Keep moving – it’s easier to dodge if you do.
Check out student’s thoughts here.
(Go check the system site for the video of the Movies in the Park demo.)
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