Food Fight!

This weekend a large group of Mo Duk Pai students gave back to the greater community by volunteering at the Oregon Food Bank to help with the fall clean-up of their garden. We tackled the toughest jobs with enthusiasm, and went on a tour of OFB’s impressive warehouse.

I am moved when I learn of effective social agencies evolving into powerful advocates for those they serve. This is certainly the case with Orgeon Food Bank. On said tour we learned how very damaging the passing of Oregon ballot measures 64 and 52 would be to the state’s hungry [Measure 64 would make it harder to donate to such charities, and 52 would result in cuts to vital services that help feed the poor and hungry]. Add to their collective voice and heroic efforts by getting involved! To read up on measures 64, 52, and for more information on volunteering at Oregon Food Bank-Click Here

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