More Than One Direction

Thursday night in Kung Fu class we looked at three ideas around doing the monkey line drill.

The first idea was to try and be fluid rather than choppy.  When you are dealing with multiple problems (people) coming at you at the same time, you can not afford to stand still, set your body and throw a strike.  You must move or you will get surrounded.

The second idea was to start as soon as you hear the word go.  Again, when doom is hurtling toward you in the form of four other human beings, you can not afford to stand still.  You can not afford to stand still at the beginning of the drill, even if you are going to move fluidly for the rest of the drill.  Move.  Right away.

The last idea we worked was making sure you didn’t get stuck moving in one direction.  Often, when people get amped up, they get stuck in a behavior.  In monkey lines, sometimes that behavior is always moving to the right.  If you always move in one direction, the pig pile will happen.  The attackers will find you and swarm you.  Yes, you need to move.  Yes, you need to be able to adapt and change directions.

To better monkey lines!

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