Supporting Roles

Each according to their bodyweight

As we make our way through this barrage of overhead squats, let us take a moment to appreciate all the ways we can get better at overhead squats without actually doing any overhead squats. What, you say? How is this possible?

Well, it’s a known fact that overhead squats are the most wicked and horrible thing that we do. I mean, probably not, for reals but they are quite awful. The reason for this is that they attack the weak links in the body rather fiercely. Got wrist troubles? Overhead squats will hurt your wrists. Got hip mobility issues? Overhead squats will be nigh impossible for you. Got ankle mobility issues? Overhead squats will make you suffer. Got instability in your shoulders? Overhead squats will break you. Got a weak midline? You will be dropping the bar rather frequently.

Given the multi-pronged awfulness of the overhead squat. It is possible to pick movements that address one of these prongs at a time, thus strengthening that weak link and improving the whole lift. I will be sharing these specific movements with all of you through the next two months. Use them wisely. That is to say, use the ones that attack your weak links. Practice them outside of class and turn your overhead squat from awful to awesome.

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