Here’s what I took away from the open this year, broken down into things I’m going to adjust for programming wise, equipment wise and personally.
Programming wise, there needs to be more rowing. I barely ever put it into what we do. Obviously, this makes us not improve much… because we never do it. Easy solution: do it more. With only three rowers it is a little tricky but I think I can figure it out. Suggestions are welcome.
Equipment wise, we definitely need another set of outdoor rings. In my ideal world, we’d also get some metal roofing for outside so that we could practice wall balls, rope climbs and muscle ups even if it is raining.
Personally, I’ve got a solid bar muscle up… now I need a ring muscle up. If experience is any guide, daily practice for about 6 months should do the trick.
What did other folks take away from the open this year?