Theme of the Week: Mushin

Willow Leaf Broadsword from, parts 1-3

Given the choice between a body that smoothly flows from move to move versus a body that halts abruptly between moves, most of us would probably choose the fluid body over the halting body in most situations. Likewise, given the choice between a mind that moves fluidly from thought to thought versus one that gets hung up on an idea, most of us would, most of the time, choose the fluid mind.

If only it were a simple choice, that would make it easy.

Building fluiditity of body and mind is a choice but it is one that we make through long and consistent practice. This choice is made difficult by the fact that the world contains infinite variables and the introduction of a single new variable often throws our formerly graceful body and minds for a loop.

This week, we’ll look at and try to apply some base level drills to increase mental fluidity. The Japanese term for this idea is ‘Mushin’.

One easy way to get at this idea is to test your ability to remain mentally fluid in the face of novelty: swing around a sword and see if your thoughts stick or flow.

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