When examining the footwork for the jerk, it is all about stability. Yes, you want to get under the bar. Yes, you want to be as fast as possible. If you aren’t stable, though, neither of these other things matter because the bar will soon end up on the floor.
We experimented today with going a bit wider into the split jerk. The reasoning, of course, was to see if it increased stability. One way to test this stability is to go heavy. Another way is to hold the bar overhead WITHOUT returning to the feet underneath you for a few seconds. Either test will reveal the functionality. If you drop the bar or sway like a moth caught in a spider web, you aren’t stable.
Felix the cat
Part 1: Barbell Technique
3 position snatch
Part 2: Gymnastic Practice
Take 8 minutes to do
4/4 Turkish get ups
60 GHD sit ups
Part 3: Conditioning (16 minute cap)
4 rounds for time
20 box jumps (24″)
5 forward rolls
5/5 pistols
Check the whiteboard for numbers.