All the work we’ve been doing recently is about bar path. We’ve been tinkering with our feet, our weight distribution and our grip – all to get more efficient bar path.
I was explaining CrossFit to a beginner today and I was telling her that yes it will make you stronger but it will also increase your coordination. This wasn’t in the context of teaching her the Olympic lifts – I was working the push press with her – but the struggle is the same: getting a bunch of moving parts to work together to create a good bar path.
Battle of Gravelines”
Part 1: Barbell sprint
1 min AMRAP Snatches (95/65)
1 min rest
1 min AMRAP hang clean nd jerks (95/65)
Part 2: Conditioning
4 rounds for time
12 handstand push ups
12 ground to overhead anyhows (95/65)
Check the whiteboard for numbers.