
Yes, I am the head coach. No, I am not the best at everything. Yes, you are welcome to – encouraged even – to put up bigger numbers than me. No, I won’t get upset about it – quite the contrary, I will cheer you on as you are trying to beat my score.

I don’t want a glass ceiling at our gym that consists of me. Raise the standards – I’ll chase you if you do.

Darth Vader
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM 8, alternate a & b
A: power snatch
B: squat snatch
Part 2: Force Choke via Webcam
4 rounds for time
5 deadlifts (275/205)
15 handstand push ups
Then, with no pause after the 4 rounds, hold a wall sit position for as long as possible.

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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