The hard part of the Turkish get up is finding stability. How do you slide your foot under and still keep the weight overhead? How do you roll over to the side and not have your feet shoot up and out? How do you stop your elbow from bending? How!?
Practice it.
The good news is that the movement has huge benefits for your shoulder stability. The bad news is that if you’re not very good at it, you probably have bad shoulder stability and you need to do it more. (Curse these chinks in your CrossFit armor, right?)
Halo Effect
Part 1: Barbell gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
Snatch grip DL
Part 2: Metcon (15 minute cap)
3 rounds for time
5 Turkish get ups (24/16 kg) left side
15 Goblet squats (24/16 kg)
1 lap of lunges, carrying kettlebell (24/16 kg)
5 Turkish get ups (24/16 kg) right side
Check the whiteboard for numbers.