Pretty Pictures

Ever since I traded my camera for an iPad I take a lot less photos and a lot more movies. It’s been great because I think in terms of evaluating movement, videos are way more effective than pictures.

But nothing gives an ego boost like seeing a good picture of yourself. So after all those shots to the ego (watching your bad form on video) go check this link and see if there are any photos of you from the 6am Friday photo shoot.

Turns Out That’s Kinda Hard
Part 1: strength
X=90% of your 1rm deadlift
3 reps @ 70% of x
3 reps @ 80% of x
3+ reps @ 90% of x
Part 2: skill
Alternate A & B for 8 minutes
A: 30 seconds of toes to bar, 30 seconds of rest
B: 30 seconds of handstand practice, 30 seconds of rest
Part 3: Metcon
For time:
Run 500m
3 rounds
24 wall ball sit ups (20/14)
12 squat clean thrusters (95/64)
Buy out: run 500m

Check the whiteboard for times.

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