There may be a limited number of CrossFit movements but there is a nearly limitless way of putting them together. If you figure in rep schemes, weights and time limits as well as the actual movements, the permutations are mind blowing.
I definitely have some favorite ways of mixing things together. No doubt everyone who does programming has movements that they love to pair together. I also have combinations that I tend to avoid. I tend to avoid pairing thrusters and wall balls. They are nearly identical movements – front squat and push press. Yet today I put them together anyway.
And what do I get for doing so? During the second round, when I was in the middle of doing burpees, a voice inside my head (crystal clear, mind you) said to me: the next round is going to suck. Sure enough, it did.
(Maybe later I’ll see if I can talk to that voice again and ask it if it has any good programming ideas.)
Cheerleader Effect
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
High hang snatch
Overhead squat
Part 2: Metcon
2 minute AMRAP
15 thrusters (95/65)
15 pull ups
2 minutes rest
2 minute AMRAP
15 wall ball (20/14)
15 burpees
2 minute rest
2 minute AMRAP
15 thrusters (95/65)
15 wall ball (20/14)
Check the whiteboard for numbers.