Henceforth when students clean the barbell and it makes too high of an arc and slams them in the collar bone we will call it overthrowing. There could be a number of causes for this but I suspect that the big one is that the student doesn’t believe in their legs.
Trust your legs and your hips to do the work. Your arms are simply there to guide the barbell into place. Relax your grip and explode through the hips. It may be helpful to try a lighter weight so that you don’t go into panic mode and revert to pulling with your arms.
July Bias
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm shoulder press
Do 5 reps of shoulder press @ 65%(x)
Do 5 reps of shoulder press @ 75%(x)
Do 5+ reps of shoulder press @ 85%(x)
Part 2: Metcon (20 min cap)
50 double unders
40 sit ups
30 wall ball (20/14)
20 box jump (24″)
10 handstand push ups
20 box jumps (24″)
30 wall ball (20/14)
40 sit ups
50 double unders
Check the whiteboard for numbers.