Find Them!

High hang help hips?

Alrighty. So now we’ve all got current 1rms for back squat, deadlift and shoulder press, right? What? You missed one? Or two? Or all three? And you want to do the bench press thing too?

Get in and find your 1rms before next month.

When should you do it? Whenever. Come into class and skip part one – whatever it is that day and instead go heft a heavy barbell.

Get it done.

Fallacy of the Moral High Ground
Part 1: Strength
Take 15 minutes to find a 1rm deadlift
Part 2: Metcon
3 rounds for time
24 Kb swings (24/16kg)
12 step ups (20″ box) with Kb
16 Kb snatches (24/16kg)
8 step ups (24″ box) with Kb

I forgot to take a photo of the board. People did work. It was hard. Post your 1rm deadlift to the comments if you’ll have trouble recalling it in a week.

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