Two things that I’ll be talking about too much in class so I thought I’d over type them here on the blog, too.
First, we’ll be doing a strength progression for the next 3 months called the 5,3,1 progression. If it goes well then we will extend it into the indefinite future. It’s a progression meant to increase your squat, deadlift, shoulder press and bench (I won’t be pushing the bench too hard because we’ve only got one bench). You can read more about it here.
Second, I’m going to a seminar in October that is led by the folks from Outlaw Way. If you don’t know who they are, go check out their website. Over the last couple of years I’ve borrowed, modified and stolen quite a bit of programming from them so I figured it makes sense to fork over $400 for a weekend. If anyone wants to go learn about coaching, programming and refining the Crossfit movements, go check out the description of the seminar here.
Why Turkey?
Part 1: Barbell gymnastics
5 min of jerk drive practice
8 min EMOM clean & jerks
Part 2: Metcon
12 min AMRAP
1 lap lunges
10 chest to bar pull ups
15 Turkish sit ups
Check the whiteboard for numbers.