Reverse Clean

The bar muscle up is a backwards clean and jerk.

Picture the high hang clean. All you’ve got is that hit with the hips and then you’ve got to pull yourself under the bar. How do you do it? You create so much velocity with your hip drive that the bar floats in space just long enough for you to shrug, bend your elbows and squat underneath.

So it is with the bar muscle up… but backwards. Why backwards? Because in the muscle up you START under the bar and want to end up ABOVE it. So, you create as much velocity as possible with your hip drive (kip), pull down on the bar with your lats and shoulders, then bend your elbows to get yourself up over the bar… then do a dip (which is the reverse press, I suppose). And maybe if you are one of those people who doesn’t need to dip then the whole movement is more like a reverse snatch.

Argument from Incredulity
Part 1: Skill
Alternate A & B for 8 minutes
A: 30 seconds bar muscle ups, 30 seconds rest
B: 30 seconds cartwheels, 30 seconds rest
Part 2: Metcon
5 rounds for max reps
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds rest
5 min AMRAP
5 thrusters (135/95)
25 sit ups
5 rounds for max reps
30 seconds rest
30 seconds burpees

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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