
The fights, they have gone bad

Fight gone bad is a workout that, for most of us, requires some strategy. Let me start by explaining who doesn’t need strategy. If you can go through all five movements and all three rounds without stopping, then you don’t need much strategy. You’ll still need to think about minimizing transition time but that is about it.

Now, for the rest of us. (Keep in mind that these strategies apply to many other workouts as well.)

1. Minimize transition time. If possible, group the equipment that you need in a tight cluster so that you don’t have to travel very far to the next thing. In addition, set up the equipment so that it is ready to go. Make sure the rower is adjusted to your foot size, that it is set to display calories and is on the resistance level you want.

2. Favor your strengths. For most of us, there is going to be one movement that gets us way more points than the other movements. Get as much as you can out of that movement. This means probably that you’ll have to do a little less in the preceding and following minutes. That’s fine, so long as your strong movement gets you enough points to justify it.

3. Know your weaknesses. Again, for most of us, there is going to be a movement that we don’t get a lot of points on. No worries. Do some work but don’t kill yourself on the movement. Use it as an active rest so that you can shine on the other movements.

4. Don’t redline early. In workouts like fight gone bad, it is easy to come out of the gates to fast. This means by the end of the first round you’ll already be exhausted and your score will suffer. Monitor your heart rate and your breathing. Don’t sandbag it but don’t blow yourself out, either. Despite the switches from minute to minute, keep in mind that the workout lasts for 15 minutes and pace yourself accordingly.

Hope that helps. I know we already did the workout today but these ideas are broadly applicable.

Fight Gone Bad
Part 1: skill
For 8 minutes alternate between A & B
A: 30 seconds hang power clean, 30 seconds of rest
B: 30 seconds double unders, 30 seconds of rest
Part 2: benchmark
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds for total reps, 1 minute for each movement
Push press (75/53)
Box jump (20″)
Sumo DLHP (75/53)
Wall ball (20/14)
Row for calories

Fun stuff. Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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